Top tips to start the school year off right.

Starting the school year can be an exciting but also a daunting time for children and their caregivers. But don’t worry – with a few simple tips, you can help your child transition into the school year with confidence and ease!

  1. Get organized: Take some time to plan out a schedule for the family, making sure everyone knows what their responsibilities are and when tasks need to be completed. This will help to avoid last minute stress and confusion. Calendars and to-lists on the fridge are a great place to start. Have your child help you make the calendar, this will help them get into the habit of scheduling their activities and staying organized.
  2. Set realistic expectations: It’s important to keep expectations realistic, especially for younger children. Allow some extra time for them to adjust to the new routine and be patient with them if things take a bit longer than usual.
  3. Reach out to your child’s school and / or teacher to get an update of their progress. Prioritise attending caregiver and teacher sessions if possible. And where appropriate, try to visit the school grounds to familiarize yourself what area/ block your child will be in.
  4. Celebrate successes: Whenever possible, recognize and celebrate successes, both big and small. This will help to boost morale and give everyone something to look forward to.
  5. Make time for fun: While it’s important to stick to a schedule, don’t forget to make time for fun activities. Taking a break from work and school to do something fun will help to keep everyone in a positive and energized mood.
  6. Encourage and motivate your children to do their best. Make learning fun and rewarding by giving them positive reinforcement and praise when they do well. A little bit of humor can go a long way too – tell a funny story about your own days in school or make a silly joke about a tough subject. Q: Why did the child eat their homework? A: The Teacher said it was a piece of cake!
  7. Be positive: Starting the school term can bring up a lot of emotions for both parents and children. It’s important to be supportive and focus on the positive aspects of the new school year.
  8. Be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can!

Our clinic offers social skills groups and school holiday groups. If you feel your child will benefit from our groups, express your interest here.

We hope these tips help your whole family and remember, our OT’s are here to help you and your family along the school journey.

Wishing you and your family all the best.

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Top tips to start the school year off right.

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