Our Story

In the beginning…

It all started when Kathleen and Lisa first crossed paths in 2011 whilst working in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). The connection was instant. Both were Senior OTs working in teams with no other OTs. They met regularly to support each other’s clinical work. They shared a passion and motivation to bridge a ‘gap’ in Occupational Therapy (OT) services across Western Australia, noticing that so few children were able to access OT if they were being seen within a mental health service. And also noticing that so many of these children could benefit greatly from the OT approach.

Inside Out

Self-Regulation for School Aged Children

Play Video

With backgrounds in senior roles across paediatric and mental health services in Australia and internationally, Kathleen and Lisa saw the intrinsic link between emotional and physical wellbeing. And they believed in the unique contribution they could offer families in understanding and supporting this emotional and physical growth in their children and adolescents “from the inside out.”

They wanted to do things better and develop a clinical service model that would cater for children and their families in a responsive and holistic way. They wanted to break the mold.

With young children and busy husbands, this shared vision led to the birth of their “third child.” Inside Out Occupational Therapy Group was formed in 2013.

The name “Inside Out” was a clear favourite. How we think and feel “on the inside” impacts what we do and the skills we have on “the outside.” And what we do and show, affects how we think and feel. This connection needs to be honoured in all that we do as therapists. If we get the balance right, children’s trajectories can be transformed - and futures made brighter.

The early years…

Lisa and Kathleen began seeing children in their homes and schools across Metropolitan Perth. With no office or desks, they had car boots full of games, equipment and gym balls! The big dilemma was where to put their shopping! Very soon they realized that the demand for services was huge, and they needed a “home base.” They were approached by a psychologist to join their space and so rented a room, employing their first OT. The demand continued and the space was outgrown. They moved into their very own, purpose-built clinic which has continued to expand over time. Dividing walls have been knocked down, the floor plan ever-growing and more team members joining the journey.


In June 2023, we celebrated our 10th Birthday. This milestone represents the strength of this initial vision and need within the community.  The passion to support young people and their families continues to grow - as the Inside Out family continues to expand. This family is an amazing team of very talented, inspiring and beautiful people - therapists, practice manager, administration coordinator and support workers.


Thank you to all our beautiful families in this journey that have chosen and trusted us to be a part of their lives. It is a privilege that we have been able to be a part of your journey. We are very grateful.

We are thrilled to announce that Kathleen and Lisa, our two Directors, are Co-Convenors of the National OT Conference which is being held this week at the Exhibition Centre in Perth. 


Our Passion

Inside Out Occupational Therapy Group is passionate about physical and emotional growth. Through the provision of targeted interventions, our service promotes the attainment of satisfying and meaningful lives for children and adults across our state and beyond.



We provide the highest quality of Occupational Therapy services across Perth, Western Australia. Operating out of our large and light-filled clinic in Manning, we also offer school and home-based appointments to best match the needs of families. Telehealth appointments are also available.


Clinical Excellence

Inside Out Occupational Therapy group is a unique service provider, offering both developmental and evidence-based mental health interventions. We value a holistic approach to assessment and intervention, ensuring that services provided are seamless and continue to meet the goals of our clients of all ages.



Our hand-picked team comprises exceptional Occupational Therapists who are passionate about providing excellent services to our community. Through our commitment to ongoing supervision, training and professional development, our team is equipped with cutting-edge skills that place them as leaders in this field. We are so proud of our team and the results they achieve with our clients.



Inside Out Occupational Therapy Group have strong links with the NDIS, Medicare, Communities and Family Services, Veteran Affairs, a variety of NGOs and Private Health Insurers. We are strongly connected to our local network of medical, allied health and educational providers and as a team we are able to link our clients to the services and funding bodies they need most.

Our Services

Occupational Therapy services provided may include individualised assessment, individual therapy sessions, goal setting, group-based work, school-based support and liaison, caregiver consultation, caregiver therapy and family therapy.

Comprehensive Assessment

Initial Consult

Treatment Sessions

Case Management

School Meetings

Outreach Services

Parent Only Sessions

Family Therapy

Sibling Sessions

Tuning into Kids®

Circle of Security®

ADHD Clinic

Group Therapy Programs

Functional Capacity Assessments

Dysgraphia Assessments

DCD Assessments

NDIS Progress Reports

Developmental Check-Ups

School Screens

Home Programs and Advice

Occupational Therapy Assistants

Professional Presentations



Have Questions?

We have answered as many questions as we can in our FAQ's, but feel free to reach out to us anytime.